
หนังสือ ๗๒ ปี | Stories of My Life

Negotiation – การเจรจาต่อรอง

Best Deal – ข้อเสนอที่ดีที่สุด

Best Deal “Sometime, the best deal is no deal.” My lawyer, Mr. Berman, said to me right after we couldn’t come to terms with the owner who put his building in Manhattan for sale. Nonetheless, I went out to talk with another bank and secured the loan which could bring the seller back on the table. We closed the deal in about a month later. It’s the building right on the famous Fifth Avenue in New York City. 241 was the address and it was only a block from the 225 Fifth Avenue Building. which was the landmark of the gift

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Ultimate Deal – การเจรจาต่อรองกับซุลลิแวนส์

Ultimate Deal Sometimes, negotiations have to be called off at the middle of the ways. When either party or both feel there seems to be nothing fruitful to continue the talk. Then, most of the times, there will be no deal. However, if another party still want to pursue, then there would naturally be an upper hand to the other. Sullivans stated the interest to license our candles and Andrew and Tom, their CEO, started talking in June, 2020. The negotiation went well until Tom asked for high credit line and long term of payment. It was too much burden and

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An Argument could Turn into $$ – ซื้อรถเก่า

The showroom manager ran after me and asked what had happened in the showroom. He actually wanted to know why I was enraged at the reception and walked out from his showroom, Prestige Mercedes Benz which considered as one of the most respectable and perhaps the biggest in the Northeast. What happened was, I informed the man at the counter that I come to see a car and have an appointment with Danielle at 1030 am. I gave Pom name and her number since the appointment was made by her. He asked me for more information after he couldn’t find the

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Satisfaction…Accomplishment – ความพึงพอใจ ความสำเร็จ

Satisfaction…Accomplishment How come I felt much better when dealing Pom’s car than mine, even I was able to buy Volvo with $5,200 less than the sticker price. But only $1,932 was what Pom paid less than the sticker price. And all of the saving from Volvo are in my own pocket! Well, I guess at the end of the deal, what count the most is the exciting of the negotiation. I went to Volvo dealer on June 30, 2020. It was the day which all the dealers had to close their sales of the month. Naturally, they would do anything to

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