
หนังสือ ๗๒ ปี | Stories of My Life

Education…Pseudoscience – การศึกษาวิทยาศาสตร์ประยุกต์

Mobile Library – ห้องสมุดเคลื่อนที่

Mobile Library ‘Rather than building temples, palaces, maybe the money would be better used with building libraries.’     I couldn’t agree more with a friend who raised up an excitant topic during our conversation and it reminded me of what I have been wanting to do – bring books to the less fortunate kids in Thailand. It has been more than ten years since I first thought about this and it is still quite clear in my head. In the U.S., soliciting from friends, neighbors, libraries could be a challenge but with the coalitions of volunteer and non-profit organization perhaps shipping cost

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Block Table – ของเล่นเด็ก

Blocks are not Just for Playing with! At first glance into Tuxedo Park School’s pre-kindergarten classroom, visitors might assume the young students gathered around a new block table are merely playing.  However, block play incorporates all areas of social and emotional learning for the school’s youngest students.  The students are benefiting from a unique block table constructed in Thailand that were donated by schoolparents, Niwat and Vantanee Kitirattragarn.     According to the school’s Early Childhood Center’s director, Kathy Waggoner. The students use blocks for every unit of study. Whether it is language arts, socialization, math, science, or social studies, blocks are

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A Doctor…An Educator…A Forester – หมอ นักวิชาการ นักป่าไม้

A Doctor…An Educator…A Forester “Are you a doctor?” Ken asked me when we were on out tennis break.      “There, you are an educator.” He continued saying after knowing I was not a doctor of any kind. I was quite surprised that Ken raised this question all the sudden. We seldomly talked when we played tennis simply because he usually wore his ear pods. It’s ok with me so I could focus on hitting the tennis balls. But, when Ken took the thing off, he could talk and could be interesting subjects. I was more a listener than speaker. So, I never

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Artificial Selection – การคัดสรรที่ไม่เป็นธรรมชาติ

Artificial Selection If Charles Darwin could live until nowadays, the Father of Evolution might have to change the name of his famous study ‘The Origin of Species’. It’s not because new things have been found but scientists have come with more of their own thinkings. Much more so, is that in the last century, people live their life challenging his Theory of Natural Selection. Samurai crab is perhaps a good story for artificial selection. In the year 1185, two powerful fleets, the Heike clan, the imperial rulers of Japan, and the other consisting of the Minamoto, who were fighting for control

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We are All Cousins – ทุกสิ่งมีชีวิตเป็นพี่น้องกัน

We are All Cousins If we go far enough back, we have a common ancestor! It is hard to dispute what Dr. Carl Sagan said, as he wrote in part in Cosmos that the origin of life was a one-celled organism appeared on Earth about 4 billion years ago. Those cells copied, mutated to form multiple cells in a billion years later. Then, a billion years ago, the Earth was well covered by plants which provided habitat for animals to roam free about 500 million years ago. Less than 10 million years ago, the first creatures who closely resembled human beings

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Fortune Tellers – หมอดูคู่กับหมอเดา

Fortune Tellers ‘You will soon be going aboard!’ With astonishing, I pull my hand back and asked my lady friend ‘What, really, for how long?’ She asked to see my palm again and then said ‘at least two years, and it could be up to three-four years’. At that moment, I was kind of freaked out and wondered how she could tell of what I had been planning to do with my life. That was in 1976. I wanted to come to the US and the only way to make it happen was to get a scholarship. There were not many

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Infinity – ไม่มีที่สิ้นสุด

Infinity The very first time I realized that I myself was not that good with mathematics, to be blunt I was plain stupid, was when I had to deal with ‘infinity’ equations in Calculus. I blamed everything; the teachers, the lessons, even Issac Newton and Gottfried Leibniz who believed to be the discovered of Calculus independently in the late 17th century. I found myself looking up at night and threw my frustration to the stars. Millions of them sprinkled the azure sky and they were hung aloft so high up to millions of light years away. By comparison of size and

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